Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Some answers to some questions that people may ask me.
1) What is your main?
1a) I only play warriors. On my home server, I have 1 of each race, and 2 of them are 80s.

2) Why are you doing this journey?
2a) Because, I enjoy torturing myself.

3) I'm going to kill Beepaa.
3a) Awesome, I look forward to it!

4) How many rerolls so far?
4a) 1 reroll, level 28 is the highest I have reached so far.

5) What are the special rules you're following?
5a) I will only use the starting gear(shirt/tabard isn't gear)
5b) I will only be allowed to upgrade my weapon (enchants are allowed)
5c) I will not be allowed to train any class abilities/skills
5d) I will be allowed to train weapon skills, professions, mounts
5e) I will not be allowed to allocate any talents
5f) Hit level 80 with 0 deaths, if I die I reroll to 1
5g) I will not be allowed to gain exp in the LFD or dungeons(I might enter to clear my pvp flag)

I'll add any other questions/answers as I think of them.