Monday, June 21, 2010

Time To Ride

Woo! After awhile of running around, I finally hit level 20! Went over and bought me an Unpainted Mechanostrider. So much nicer than having to run everywhere... Midsummer also began, that's gonna really suck since so many Horde will be EVERYWHERE. The bonfire buff doesn't last but about 5 mins, or so. :(

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Day After

Another day has passed. I've achieved level 15, and have started on the mining and blacksmithing professions. Hogger met his demise, with the aid of 2 others! I really thought I was going to have to use a potion, but he only brought me down to just under half my health!

Friday, June 18, 2010


I was killed sometime around midnight today, by a 71 Death Knight. I was reborn. It was a tough game of cat-and-mouse, but the cat eventually won. The day ends, and I'm now level 12. What will tomorrow bring?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Some answers to some questions that people may ask me.
1) What is your main?
1a) I only play warriors. On my home server, I have 1 of each race, and 2 of them are 80s.

2) Why are you doing this journey?
2a) Because, I enjoy torturing myself.

3) I'm going to kill Beepaa.
3a) Awesome, I look forward to it!

4) How many rerolls so far?
4a) 1 reroll, level 28 is the highest I have reached so far.

5) What are the special rules you're following?
5a) I will only use the starting gear(shirt/tabard isn't gear)
5b) I will only be allowed to upgrade my weapon (enchants are allowed)
5c) I will not be allowed to train any class abilities/skills
5d) I will be allowed to train weapon skills, professions, mounts
5e) I will not be allowed to allocate any talents
5f) Hit level 80 with 0 deaths, if I die I reroll to 1
5g) I will not be allowed to gain exp in the LFD or dungeons(I might enter to clear my pvp flag)

I'll add any other questions/answers as I think of them.